Sunday, March 20, 2011

衛蘭 - 十個他不如你一個

十个他不如你一个 by Janice.


Discuss了那么久 很一个终于的 我们吃到Nelson's了。

Nelson's是我的business communication的assignment proposal。就因为很多人不知道什么是nelson's所以 我更不用说了所以我们才要推广nelson's的产品给大家认识认识。 KL都很难找了 更何况是马六甲。
可以说 我们是选了吉时 因为从一开始做了决定要做nelson's后 讨论到上个星期四 才决定 要去吃 才决定 那里有 才决定谁负责当司机。

很不幸的 Mid valley的nelson没有我们想象中的那么好 什么都没有。 连招牌玉米hotdog都没有 还很有勇气的在那么高级那么宽坦的mall开。 Group members有三男四女 所以总共是七人,一开始 提议要去吃nelson时 我就决定要吃derroyakki了--小叮当的食物。因为 我知道derroyakki这种食物一定有 红豆的存在。errmm.... 太爱红豆了!

当他们听到没有 卖玉米hotdog时 就down了,直接没心情了。Eve and mengfai其实就是想吃这个
最后 Eve 没有买nelson的产品 廖则买了 Ice cream,其实是被我怂恿的。他的principle 一大清早不能吃 冷冰冰的食物 但是没办法之下 他还是买了!当然啦 来到那么远 又经过那么多风风雨雨 来到这了 还不试吃?

huay wen其实 也是要买 deroyakki的 但是太贵了 一个要1.80 所以不要了。但最后他也买了 ice cream。Jin yi 买了nelson's 最出名的corn in cup,嗯... 普通。和daily fresh没什么差别,其实要很仔细的去爵 才会感觉到它的味道是不错的 我没有而已。Group leader则买了 ice cream potong来吃!Ice cream potong这名听起来 很妈妈的时代 对了,就是在我们爸妈小时候的年纪很出名的零食,当然 现在也不列外。ermm EMO chris 他不喜欢吃玉米 当然他也很尽责 ‘一人买一份’ 的食物 他配合 xD 他买了nelson的waffle. 不错吃~其实我是注意看他吃得表情 而并没有真正的问他 现在想起来 他应该是饿了 所以吃得时候看起来 很好吃..
唯独 我们的Eve小姐 很不听话的没有买nelson's的食物。

好一个健康的corn in cup's model!

其实 玉米很健康。 请别看小它这么小小粒 而且又黄到很geli的颜色而讨厌 它.
它其实吃起来 很口感 香甜 滋嫩。
但其实它的重点还是 能帮助美容 还能减肥呢!*如果你的corn in cup是没有加牛油的话*
在还没上大学之前 曾今也有帮忙妈妈做过这些franchise的玉米生意。 而那时的我是不太喜欢吃这类的食物的 但自从学会怎样蒸玉米后 才发觉 其实它不可怕 还很香甜!所以从那天开始 我不拒绝玉米了.
*没有在为我的assignment而打Nelson's 的广告啊*

Back for my assignment. Stay turned for next Uni's life post!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life in AFSA- the ACCA talk!

This is the first time i join my club since i am in Uni for one year, so i am decided to use english for this post.

I am a member of Afsa and is stands for accounting and finance students association yet i am not want to get the ECA points then just join this group. All about my interest!
Dang dang... We have an ACCA talk on Monday and i am the Organizations committee for this talk as well. Dont ever think about i will become a helper in any talk before actually all because of my senior Chong Woon Yee who introduce me to help her that why i just have a good chance to join and help. This is a good job for me! *clap hand* Because when i left from my high school until now i still havent join a club and did any organize stuffs before, so pity am I. As you guess? What i am doing everyday at home? Blogging? Face-booking? studying? Yea.. basically are 3 of them i am doing it everyday. So.... This is an opportunity for me to learn for those how to become a good leader,how to organize a event.. etc.
Lets take a look of our photo,

The very first picture was taken by Eric *If not mistaken*
We are so fresh!

Playing game session. As a organize committee, each OC need to handle and take care one group and i were in Group one. Yay! We are Number One! :)
Thanks for my group one members you guys are awesome!

And and and moreover.... This is the most happiness time. Guess what happened? I get a free cinema ticket for 2 person! *excited* This ticket is for 3D movie and the speaker gave me because i get his attention! haha xD

She was crying due to didnt have movie ticket hehe. Anyways you still have a lot chance.

At last we have all the organize committee here! SAY GOOD & PIECE!

Still have a lot of upcoming event,stay turned! And hopefully i can learn more about in this club!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shock for the day!

my colleague was talking about earth quake and tsunami to another colleague, and I didn't pay attention to it as I was listening to my songs with my ear phone and concentrating with my assignments. Still I could hear a little bit of this and that of what she was saying but I wasn't paying attention to the whereabouts of the earth quake.

By then when I started reading on the newspapers, I just realize that it was Japan! Then I remembered that few of my friends has over there for further study. Thank god that there's Facebook and MSN that I could contact each others and asked them how was the situation going on.

However, my friends were actually a distance away from the earth quake, 1 of them had replied saying that they were okay. And another one is not so close with me but we still get contact each others in oder to wish her take care at that time. And I guess they wouldn't be coming back on time as scheduled.

The earth is angry and come with a huge vibration and now we need to recycle all the things that around of our life!
Let's pray hard for Japan with all our true hearts! :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Movie with the ♥

很快的 三个星期就过去了 我终于可以回家了 很开心
当然 不只是我开心 妈妈 爸爸也很开心 因为可以见到我 哇哈哈
回家后 我真的好像变女王了
但是 也不是所有的东西 当我在读书的时候 就是女王了 什么都不做
但是 话不能这样说 我还是有准备早餐给妈妈爸爸吃的
准备的过程 很开心 因为 很久没有准备了 原来久久弄一次给家人吃早餐 原来是这么温馨的

当然 一整天在家读书后
星期六 来个家庭outing 看场戏 吃顿饭
读完书 吃完下午茶后 爸爸就回家了 提议看戏
但我和妈妈就已经准备好了 yes! 我们终于可以6点出门 (很难得)
为什么说难得呢? 因为每次 六点我们三人才开始 冲凉准备 去到city就已经8点半了
吃晚餐后店面全部就开始打样了 一点想要shop的感觉也全部消失了
但是昨天 还真扫兴 下了场大雨 正当我们要出门时 我还以为是爸爸驾车呢,但结果不是
他们都说我太久没有驾车了 所以当晚就我驾 哈哈 没问题得!

吃完晚餐后 就八点了 买完我的东西后 就过去 pahlawan看戏票
本来适合 爸妈的戏是127hours 的 但是 只有1240am available
所以么办法的 只有beastly 最符合当时我们的时间 920pm
一进戏院 我就对妈妈说这是teenagers 的戏 你们不要后悔~
click THIS

我喜欢 beastly 的男主角 Alex Pettyfer 很帅!
故事很简单 男主角很帅 所以他很自大 很喜欢嘲笑丑陋的女人 所以witch就给他了很丑陋的脸
让他无法见人 但是有条件 条件就是 找一位女生和她说 我爱你 但是要真心的 才会变回原来的自己 那张 帅气的脸暇.

都说了 这部戏 很teenagers 就像 twilight这样的 富有感情线多于紧张成分的戏
很浪漫 很有感觉的一部戏 多亏与他的背景音乐

但 同样的人物 我还是觉得 alex pettyfer的 i am number 4 比较好看
背景音乐不错 感情丰富 重点是有紧张度 会让你很想继续看下去
我相信 他还会有 i am number 5

With the

*Chocolate banana milkshake* is the best! I love it!

Mid term已经过了来年一星期了 我什么还没准备到for finals 是有开始温习了 但是 还是忘记了
我讨厌 ~!
However 买点accessories 奖赏自己 yes!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I already miss you by G.NA

I already miss you by G.NA


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have fun in Uni with you people!

You all are my sunshine!
I know when i am leaving to Australia definitely will feel lonely :( So before i am going to there must enjoy with you guys.
Your guys are so funny and i never laugh till like that since i have been here for 1 year.

One of my best friend in my Uni who is knew in our FOM lecture class. She is intelligent and quite pretty. Every time when i get trouble she will definitely help me to settle all my things even is draft my Australia's Uni resume letter! Thanks :)

During the class.. Nothing to do? Awwww a lots of thing need we do but we still feel so easy like a bird!

Haha! This photo please do not focus on behind our people!
We are course mate and room mate. We looks like twins? hehe cause we wore the same colour singlet at the same time! Actually is purposely~

Three of us during the Tutorial class.

Have fun! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post of snow flake.

Wow have another wonderful day with them.

Awww today is sunday and i hate sunday! Cause i need to go back to school. Dislike but i dont have choice!
Today we had our lunch at home cause they almost awake at 2pm haha. So after our lunch at home we decided to go snow flake as our high tea since i never go there before. Snow flake is famous in KL and anywhere and it formed by a taiwan guy which is come from Taichung.

Here is our order: 红豆+青草+珍珠+豆奶冰砂+芋头

Basically,I really really like red bean! Because of the red bean this dessert that why i choose this.. Unfortunately we cant finished it, cause it really too big bowl for 3 person of us. No choice i had to finished it cause i never try before and i think this is the last chance to eat!

This is our second choice: Name is Koko-Loco. It mix with their famous, taro ball.
And with 青草+海草+豆奶冰砂

This bowl more sweet than the previous one, but i love it~ the taro ball is so tasty and chewy. Taro ball is made from yam so its make the taro ball sweet as a candy. Pretty delicious!

See...This thing is so systemically! That is a vibration device in order to let customers know their dessert is can be served.

I love dessert especially Red Bean! :)

As simple as it seems.

Yay! It's march right now! Not even happy this few week feel so stress and dislike this kind of life. However this is a progress of my uni life. Anyways this post is after my mid term but but BUT still have a lots of assignments need to pass up next week and next next week and those weighted assignments not seems like easy as my first term is more difficult now! But eventually after my mid term, 4 of my cousin bring along me hang up to sunway pyramid in order to made me take a breathe and relaxing! Hence....... we have another wonderful day after Pasta Zanmai.

About 430pm we reached Pyramid's unfortunately we haven't decide want to eat my as our lunch. But when we decided eat Sushi zanmai that time was already 5pm so......... i think this is our dinner! haha. Woooow we almost wait till half an hour to quit up for this meal. Freaking a lots of people but half of their customers are teenagers! I am sooo wondering why they have money to eat this type of luxury food? Emmmm... me too? hehe this is my second time enter to super super super costly sushi restaurant.
Those food serve quite effectives and i love their egg-sushi as i named it "children sushi" but forgot took those egg pic! Seeeee..... hungry till forgot or in order word you can say"tam chia" (in hokkien)
First coming out sushi, Selmon-sushi.
Awwww i dont seems like to eat Selmon at all but if that Selmon is grilled or fried, yay! Is my

Second coming out sushi, Unagi-sushi.
Of course they sure have a special name but i really dont know cause when i sit down my eyes keep looking the sushi on the 旋转盘there because of the EGG~! Oh my god right?
I dont like Selmon yet i like Unagi as well. Or you can say i like fish! My favorite* wink

Third coming out sushi is, softcrab-sushi.
One word to describe it,DELICOUS! Because of the soft crab is fried till enough not too oily at all.
And one thing i realized that this dishes is Charlene's favorite. Am i right?

Keep take photo during we are eating hehe feels paiseh?
This is my character?

Nah! You see.,. i Like this pic!

After that Sushi we walk around Sunway and Chilling out with my 3 pretty cousin hehe we like to speak nonsense gossip about our friends or.... haha!
Suddenly think about Ninjajo PORK burger ermm i like pork but i prefer BEEF at all! I love pork burger especially McD's pork burger. So we off to ninjajo Pork burger for second round dinner. Ahahahah tomorrow just keep fit lah whisperer by myself.

Done our dinner we are heading to TGV cinema for movie but ticket was so expensive. So tine said go Summit GSC cinema for movie mucg cheaper than TGV.
And lastly we decided watch "i am number 4". Not bad quite nice. But i am wondering who is number 5? Cause in the movie Number 1 to 3 were died and teh main character is number 4 and 6.. so who is Number 5? I want to know it~

On the-way back to KK refers to Kota Kemuning where the place is my cousin's house.

Lastly,post one cute cuppy pic to you all guys! Good night :)

Stay turned to Snow flake. Yummy~